About Us

Dancers instudio 2022


The NRStudio’s priorities during these evolving times are safety, community, artistic growth and weaving the joy of creative practice into the days.  Hence, the studio has developed and honed its individual practice-based approach into a hybrid model that supports both online and in-studio pilates and dance privates, as well as small group pilates and dance classes.  This model was fine tuned through 2023.  Some studioers zoom in from “away’.  Others weave online and zoom classes into a moving schedule.  Still others do instudio classes only.  

This flexible approach deepens and enriches studioers’ movement, dance and/or creative practices.  Studioers’ don’t just take a “class”.  They incorporate movement and dance into all facets of their lives.  Online classes offer flexibility for busy days.  Instudio classes deepen and renew personal practices.  The combination of the two creates a powerful tool for the dancer looking to grow and develop, the pilates client interested in continuity and safety, and the parent desiring nurturing process-based arts education.  The progressive artist-teacher method supports this approach.  This method draws inspiration from the professional arts world.  It nurtures comprehensive, artistic learning experiences that cultivate the adult wanting to incorporate dance or movement into their life, as well as the parent looking to enhance and foster a child’s creativity.  

The NRStudio offers:

  • Inspired, comprehensive and crafted adult professional classical ballet and contemporary classes that nurture the individual student’s dancing journey, practice, wellness, and performance skills.
  • An innovative trans-disciplinary children’s creative art & dance program that enhances creativity, as well as life skills, through practice and community.  
  • Traditional Pilates classes, as well as Pilates-inspired classes, that ground, nurture and support the mind and body through balancing alignment exercises, as well as movement efficiency and breath work.
  • Private classes that support the individual studioer’s practice in Pilates, movement and creativity.
  • Frequent emails share the weekly class schedule, community news, as well as support studioers’ moving and creative practice(s).

The studio’s community starts in class.  It reaches out to our Centretown brick and mortar studio’s neighborhood through the window gallery, as well as through Project O video dance film shoots.  The studio interacts with the global community through Natasha’s contact with Boston University and Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival.

The studio looks forward to offering studioers a rich, bright and individually tailored in-studio, online, and/or in both platforms, class experience.

Dancing be well good wishes!

Ps. Want more information?

Please contact Natasha at [email protected].

The studio thanks you!


Natasha Royka’s Arts Education Philosophy:
Artist-teacher Natasha Royka practices the belief that movement and the arts are essential experiences to being human.  She considers creative practice integral to nurturing the individual’s humanity, as well as diverse communities.  The studio’s distinctive approach demonstrates this philosophy in both its classes and community.  Natasha channels her professional dance performance, video-dance experience, visual art experience and 30 years as an arts education professional into classwork that inspires students to explore, frame, and create their worlds during challenging times, as well as bright ones.
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Check out the studio’s Facebook page, YouTube channel & IG account too!


Instagram: nrstudio11